Knowledge that has been provided from past experiences of someone who has been through what you are going to experience is priceless

Starting out you will be the "Jack of all trades"

  • Finance

    Be financially prepared for the realities of starting a business, which is in the beginning, that there is no money

  • Employees

    How to recognize and handle high maintenance employees/staff. When to appreciate your diamonds in the rough

  • Clients

    You will be confirming staffer interest, playing the negotiator, acting as a salesperson/ leading as a visionary, calling staffers handling customer service calls

Watch Intro Video

How to Grow Your Home Care Business - Video MasterCourse

Grow Your Home Care Business and learn from 12 years of successes and failures.

How to Grow Your Home Care Business - MasterCourse

The definitive Video MasterClass for Managing Growth and Growing Pains

This course was $199. For a limited time get it for $49.99!

  • Content-loaded chapters of step by step guidance that will take you from conception to launch of your new nursing business
  • Proprietary "one of a kind" training and support materials
  • Downloadable transcripts of each lesson/chapter
  • Bonus training videos

Other "DaveTheNurse" courses deal with getting your business up and running. Here we turn the page and go into issues and concerns that arise when you are running your business

Many of the topics are look outs for day to day issues that you will be confronting during day to day operations. These are things that only someone who has been through it themselves will be able to offer to you new entrepreneurs. It is always best to go into battle armed with as much information as possible.

  • My only clinician got DNR’d Explains what a DNR is and why it is important to understand what potential impacts that this may have

  • Three months to roll….Starvin Marvin This chapter dives into what you will need to expect and prepare for during the first 2-3 months of business from both a financial and workload stand point

  • Should I consider payroll factoring? This chapter defines what factoring is and covers the pro’s and con’s of using factoring for your business

  • Factoring for success. Be careful with all of that floating money- Chapter explains factoring and understand how this money goes in and goes out.

  • Pre booking shifts for success This chapter details how to successfully negotiate with staffers on your caretakers behalf while maintaining profitability for your services

  • Dealing with Prima Donna Employees How to recognize and handle high maintenance employees/staff

  • Dealing with High Maintenance Families This chapter dives into the realities of working with a client and family of a client that requires 24 hour care. These realities include the increased expectations that come with this type of service.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Course Overview

    • Introduction & Overview

  • 2

    My Clinician just got DNR'd

    • Introduction

    • My only clinician got DNR'ed

    • Closing Summary & Review

  • 3

    Three months to roll!!! Starvin Marvin

    • Introduction

    • Three Months to roll!!!Starvin Marvin

    • Closing Summary & Review

  • 4

    Pivoting on Margins

    • Introduction

    • Pivoting on Margins

    • Closing Summary & Review

  • 5

    Should I reconsider payroll factoring?

    • Introduction

    • Should I consider Payroll Factoring

    • Closing Summary & Review

  • 6

    Factoring to success. Be careful with all that floating money

    • Introduction

    • Factoring for success

    • BONUS Factoring by dummies

    • Closing Summary & Review

    • Closing Summary & Review

  • 7

    Pre-booking shifts for success

    • Introduction

    • Prebooking for success

    • Course Summary & Review

  • 8

    The Prima Donna employee

    • Introduction

    • Prima Donna Employees

    • Closing Summary & Review

  • 9

    Dealing with high maintenance families

    • Introduction

    • Closing Summary & Review

  • 10

    Closing Statements & Review of Summary

    • Closing Statements & Review of Summary



Dave Soltau

Dave Soltau, RN, BSN, is a Registered Nurse with over 24 years of clinical experience. As a serial entrepreneur, Dave has also co-founded two successful healthcare companies, Advanced Clinical Associates, and the ACA Wellness Institute, generating over $35 million in sales. Dave is also a self-published author, and a public speaker spreading the word of his experiences throughout the community.